Expeditions into Now!
Expeditions into Now!
Four departments formed an expedition team and organized expeditions (workshops with students and teachers from Austria/Taiwan) to investigate the present – the departments of visual communication, architecture, art history and art theory of the Linz University of Art and the GITA of the University of Kaoshiung (Taiwan)
Expedition #1 – Visual communication: „A Critical Mapping of the NOW“ took stock of a pluralized society and visualized it in collaborative maps.
Expedition #2 – Art History/Art Theory: „Closed Spaces and Dispositives of Contagion” explored the contemporary dynamics of places with limited access.
Expedition #3 – GITA Taiwan: „Neutrality – Climate Neutrality” dealt with global warming and the concept of “neutrality”: What does “neutrality” or “climate neutrality” mean anyway?
Expedition #4 – the architecture: „Walking in the NOW!” was characterized by the walking science of Lucius Burkhart. Individual walks in a given direction sharpened the perception of urban space.
Supervised by
Clemens Bauder, Huai-Wen Chang, Ludwig Engel, Tina Frank, Jasmin Mersmann, Cheng-Yu Pan, Marianne Pührerfellner, Anne von der Heiden, Katharina Weinberger-Lootsma, Pei-Kuei Tsai, Mali Wu, Luana Bechstein