Carbon Neutral Card Game
Carbon Neutral Card Game
PROJECT BY 王子安, 陳怡君, 蘇柏勳, David Rall, Helene Payrhuber, Stefanie Hoffmann
The project raises the question, if we still think in clichés when it comes to the subject of carbon neutrality. Do we have the feeling that we do not have a real and powerful influence on it? But why? Do we still lack an emotional connection? Are we still not feeling guilty enough when it comes to producing carbon neutrality?
Therefore, the approach was to develop a participative tool that bridges these assumptions/questions: the invention of the “Carbon Neutral Card Game“ that analyzes our daily habits, by asking questions and shows the daily consumption of CO2.

How does the game work?
Each player starts with 5 points. When you get to 0, you are no longer allowed to play (but may be included in
penalty tasks). There are four piles: habits, rewards, orange penalties and red penalties. Shuffle each pile. The order is clockwise. When it is your turn, you draw a habit card. Everyone has to answer a question.
Each answer counts as one. What counts is the majority of answers. Depending on the result, draw a card
from the reward pile or one from the two penalty piles.
How many questions do we need to raise to feel really deeply guilty?
We start with our questions and invite everyone to raise more:
Did you eat animal products this week?
Did you buy a fast fashion item this week?
Did you fly during the past twelve months?
Did you use your heater this week?
Did you use a plastic bag for your latest grocery shopping?